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December 9, 2010

Olive's First Tears

Olive does her fair share of crying.  Normally it is this sort of half cry, where it almost seems like she is faking.  As soon as I pick her up or feed her, she stops.  For the first time today, she cried real tears.  We got all dressed up to see daddy at work and Santa Claus at the mall.  After we said goodbye to dad she started crying.  Thankfully as soon as we got on the freeway she fell fast asleep.  At the mall it was another story.  She was inconsolable.  I fed her - but she still wasn't happy.  We walked around the car a dozen times - but that didn't work either.  She had real tears in her eye and it was breaking my heart!  Finally I took off her pretty little dress and tights and put her in her jammies.  Of course she passed right out after that and has been an angel ever since.  Not sure which broke my heart more - the tears or the fact that she didn't like her outfit.

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