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December 10, 2010

dad's first solo bathing experience

my wife is an outstanding mother.  while i'm away at work she basically sacrifices her entire day caring for and entertaining young olive.  it's not like she's phoning it in either, when olive's awake she's reading to her, doing tummy time, you name it, she's engaging our daughter's little mind.  so when i get home at 7pm, the only thing i can do is help with her bath and make kim dinner.

well tonight kim needed a little baby relief so she could do some shopping and get her nails done   basically have a couple of hours of personal time.  i was more than happy to relieve her, however i could.  i'm fully parent-rated for solo feeding, diaper changing, and general calming - with a specialty in putting to sleep.  the only area i'm not checked out in is solo bathtime.

tonight was the night.  short story even shorter, complete success.  olive loved it and fell asleep within minutes of getting her clothes back on.  even better, kim was able to have a little personal time.


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