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October 14, 2010

Mommy Gets Pampered

A few days ago, Grandma Rufer came down from Sacramento to await the baby's arrival.  Yesterday we decided to have a fun girls day of pampering and shopping - two of my favorite things.  I was also secretly hoping all the running around would somehow trigger some contractions.  First we went to my favorite nail salon and got our nails done.

Then we met Andrew and Todd at Swingers for lunch.  They have the best hard-core soy shake with peanut butter, and I was craving it!

After lunch, we got a ton of last minute things for Olive and Mommy at Target and Babies R Us.  Then we headed to Sunset Foot Spa for an hour long foot massage.  They say that rubbing the ankle can bring on contractions, which I was hoping for!  After our relaxing rub down, we rushed to the Arclight to see the scary movie 'Let Me In'.  My mom loves horror flicks although she will never watch the scary parts.  She makes me watch and then report back to her what is happening!  I didn't get home until 10:30pm and was pretty wiped out.  I even had a few contractions!  It was a perfect day of pampering and girly time - thank you so much mom!!!

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