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October 4, 2010

Mind Over Matter

For the last couple of days I have been feeling small pains here and there.  I didn't think anything of it since Braxton Hicks contractions are normal.  Although today I was a little worried because I hadn't felt the baby as much as I normally do.  I made a doctors appointment just in case.  They hooked me up to a non-stress test and unfortunately were a little concerned about the lack of fluid surrounding the baby.  I was 2 centimeters dilated so the doctor wanted us to go to Labor and Delivery right away.  I, of course, asked her if it was ok that we go and get a little food since I hadn't had any lunch.  La Salsa here we come!!!  I didn't enjoy it quite as much as normal since I was nervous.

When we arrived at Labor & Delivery it was apparent that we weren't leaving.  They hooked me up to a fetal monitor to measure the baby's heart rate. Because the heart rate was dropping they wanted to induce right away.  Of course, that wasn't in our "plan" and my "go with the flow" attitude somehow got lost. I was definitely upset because I didn't want to have to induce but if the baby was in stress there was no question - I would do whatever they said.

Thankfully another nurse came on (who was TOTALLY cool) and said that the baby looked great and that I was having my own natural contractions. She wanted to let me labor for awhile and see how it went before giving me the pitocin.  She even unhooked me off all the monitors and IVs so I could walk around.  Now if only I could convince her to let me have a glass of white wine.....

Here is a shot of the contractions (on the bottom) and the baby's heartbeat (on the top).  Little Olive is on her way.

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