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October 6, 2010

False Alarm

After laboring on our own for 8 hours, it was apparent that nothing was happening. At 3am I was still at 2cm and although I felt great, the nurse wanted to move things along.  It was time for Pitocin.  Although it wasn't in our "birth plan", I was happy that we had been able to try it on our own for awhile.  They started the pitocin and my contractions got a little stronger, but thankfully it wasn't unbearable.  The baby's heart rate looked great and I was handling everything like a champ.

The worst part of the pitocin is that you can't be off the fetal monitor which means no walking, showers, or moving around.  The other part is that some nurses will allow you to have clear fluids, while others say only ice chips!  Thankfully Andrew snuck me some cheese, jello, and granola bars. Try laboring without food - it isn't easy!

In the morning they started upping my pitocin dose to make my contractions stronger and get the baby out faster. They were coming about every 2-3 minutes but Andrew and I were working well together through each one.  I was so happy he was with me every step of the way.  I even got him to rub my feet for 20 minutes!

Around noon the doctor on call came in to see me.  Immediately he said, "Tell me whats going on".  So I explained the whole situation to him.  He said that the baby looked beautiful and there was NOTHING wrong. He did an exam and I was still at 2cm and was concerned I was a C-section waiting to happen if we kept going. He also said that he doubted that my fluid was low since the baby's heart rate looked perfect.  He did an ultra-sound and confirmed that everything was fine and that I should have never been induced.  He asked, "Wouldn't you rather be laboring at home on your own?". I almost cried with relief!  I couldn't believe that he was actually saying any of it. The ironic thing was that I was worried about him delivering Olive because I have a thing with male doctors. Now he is my knight in shining armor and I'm hoping he is the one that is on call when she is ready! We were released from the hospital around 2pm and headed straight for food. I even had a glass of white wine since I felt I deserved it.

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