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February 10, 2016

Update: Buster

- Talking like crazy. And in full sentences too! "No Daddy. Mommy put me to bed." "Mommy, rub tummy, pleaseeeeeee." It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. And his meltdowns are almost non-existent now that we can understand him.
- Starting to play well with other kids his age. We've seen Michelle and Miles a few times, and the boys are so adorable together. (I'll post some pics soon)
- SHARING!!! He gets so excited and says, "Moooooommmmmy…Share!!!!!" There are still moments where he refuses…..but we're working on it.
- No longer takes 100 toys to bed.
- Favorite movie last month was the 'The Croods'. This month it's 'The Smurfs'. We still have 'Polar Express' on the rotation too.
- Recently went to the dentist and to my utter surprise he sat there and let the dentist clean his teeth. No screaming. No hitting. My baby is growing up!!
- When Grandma comes every wednesday, he wants everyone to leave the room so it's just the 2 of them.
- Loves to take a bath in mommy's bathtub especially with his CARS color changers.
- Recently chipped his tooth. He tripped at Olive's school and landed right on his wonky tooth.
- Obsessed with watching home videos on the iPad. Usually they are of the same kids that post videos of them playing with their trains or cars.

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