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January 5, 2014

Buster Update

- He is standing! He pulls himself up wherever and whenever he can.
- Finally getting his bottom 2 teeth. I swear he has been teething for MONTHS but it seems like they are finally pushing through!
- Takes 2 naps a day. One around 9-10am and the other around 2pm.
- Wakes up every 3 hours at night. The teething thing has been killing us!
- He likes to eat Olive's fruit and veggie pouches. We were out one day and it was all I had in my purse. To my surprise - he LOVED it and ate the entire thing!
- Can wave hello and bye-bye.
- Stops crying every single time he hears 'Wheels on the Bus'. It's been on repeat in the car so many times I'm pretty sick of it.
- Flirts with any pretty girl in a 10 foot radius.
- Wears 6-12 months clothes. Although I'm starting to stock pile 12-18 since he is growing like a weed!
- Loves to look at himself in the mirror. He will sit in my closet for the longest time just watching his reflection.

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