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February 15, 2013

Whale Watching

For the last month or so, Olive has been obsessed with sea life. Every night before bed we go through an ocean book that has pictures of sharks, whales, dolphins, and every other ocean creature you can think of. She even knows the difference between a hammerhead shark, a basking shark, and a whale shark!

Because of her newfound love of the sea, we decided to take her on a whale watching trip while we were in Newport visiting grandma. Unfortunately the weather was a little dreary and cold!

After a few minutes on the boat, we spotted a large pod of dolphins playing in the waves. Olive was pretty excited to see real live dolphins as opposed to pictures in her book!

Finally, towards the end of our trip, the captain spotted 2 gray whales. There weren't any good photo opportunities - but Andrew managed to snap this picture of a tail.

1 comment:

michelle said...

I seriously LOVE that first picture of Olive! She is GORGEOUS!! Would love to take Georgia whale watching sometime!