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October 24, 2012

the results are in...

i can tell by the number of votes in kim's poll that there is a groundswell of interest in the sex of our new progeny.  well the long, long wait is over, we have the doctor results...

but first lets reflect on the amazing progress modern medicine has achieved in the past 30 years.  when my mom wanted to find out if she was pregnant with me she had to go to a doctor for a test that involved killing a rabbit.  fast forward to today when a doctor took a vial of blood from kim and can map the new little one's dna with 99% certainty.

but without further delay - the news you've all been waiting for... we're having a BOY!

(below is an artistic rendering of what little buster will most likely look like)


rebecca said...

congratulations Cahns!!!! so exciting! I can't wait to meet little buster!

Unknown said...

Exciting!!! Congrats!