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February 15, 2012

Cake Pops = Sugar Rush

After much contemplation, I decided to make cake pops for dessert on Valentine's Day. After finding a recipe online that looked simple, I got all the ingredients together. Lollipop sticks, melting candy, sprinkles, and styrofoam. First - I baked the cake. As you can see, Olive wanted to help me every step of the way. She got a big kick out of putting on the oven mitts! Once that was done, I broke the cake up into tiny pieces and mixed in frosting so that it would bind together.

Then I rolled the cake/frosting mixture into small balls and put them in the fridge overnight. The next day, I used the melting candy to insert the lollipop sticks into the cake balls and frosted each one with the same candy. Finally - I used sprinkles to decorate and put them into the styrofoam piece to dry.

Voila!  They were even better than they look. Seriously.