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September 11, 2011

Piquant Picca Peru

Saturday, Andrew and I went on a date night to Picca Peru.  I had been wanting to go for a few weeks after hearing rave reviews.  The place was absolutely PACKED.  Thankfully we had reservations!

We started with the chicken, beef, and eggplant empanadas.  The eggplant was our favorite, and the dipping sauces were sooooo good.

Next we had the papa rellena.  It was a potato stuffed with beef, egg, and aioli.  Yuuumy.

Then came the spicy tuna and crab sushi for me.  Instead of rice it was on top of potato.  Definitely interesting and scrumptious.  I wish I had tried all of the different fish.

After, we had the chicken, beef, black cod, tomato, and artichoke skewers. They were all good but the tomato was especially savory.  Anything with burrata cheese is my fave.

(note from andrew: they messed up our order a little, and that beef skewer in the bottom of the picture was supposed to be filet, but they accidentally substituted corazon instead.  yes, you translated that correctly - beef heart.  the waitress said that since they messed up we could have it if we wanted.  it was surprisingly good, that is to say that it tasted like any normal cut of beef.  kim couldn't get past the fact that is use to be a beating heart.)

For our main dish we had the quinoa with potatoes, tomatos, and fried egg.  Unfortunately I dove right in and forgot to take a picture before it got all mixed up.  It doesn't look very appetizing but it was amazing.

And for dessert - the churros.  I have to admit they weren't as good as the ones from Border Grill (or Disneyland).  They weren't soft enough and the filling inside got everywhere.  All in all I would have to say it is a definite hot spot with consistently good food.  A must try for foodies!

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