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September 7, 2011

Olive's First Wine Tasting Tour

We got up bright and early Monday morning for a wine tour that was also part of our wedding present from friends.  Although they had never had a baby on the tour - they allowed us to bring Olive.

Thankfully she was the perfect angel and hardly made a peep for the 8 hours we were gone!  In fact, we got special treatment because she was with us.  The wineries loved that there was a baby in our group!

All of the places we went were absolutely gorgeous and the weather couldn't have been more perfect!

One of our favorite wineries was Hopper Creek.  I even got a bottle of Merlot for my mom and Chris to thank them for letting us use the house in Tahoe and drive the Suburban.

Another favorite was Silverado Vineyards.  I ended up getting the wine club for my stepdad as a Christmas present.  Hopefully I didn't love all the wines just because it was the last winery on the tour and I was tipsy!

The view at Silverado was absolutely gorgeous!

Here is our group shot.  We all had a blast and ended up having dinner that night together!  Thanks again to our amazing friends for a wonderful trip!

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