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September 18, 2011

Olive Spends All Day with Grandma

Friday morning we met my mom and stepdad in Beverly Hills to spend the day together.  Chris told my mom that for her upcoming birthday she could go on a shopping spree - so what better place to do it then Rodeo Drive?  We started at XIV Karat where my mom had the most beautiful ring made, then stopped for a quick lunch.  After lunch, we hit up a few stores before Chris' had to leave for a meeting.

After the meeting we met up at Barney's to order Chris a few shirts.  As you can see, Olive loved crawling around the men's department.

Up next, the shoe department.  Apparently Olive loves Louboutins just as much as mommy! Unfortunately they didn't have these ones in her size, or mommy's for that matter.

After letting Olive take a late afternoon nap, we met back up at the St. John store.  I have to admit - it was pretty fancy.  I got a glass of wine and the girls treated mom like a queen.  She looked amazing in everything and ended up getting quite a few nice outfits.  Daddy met us after he got off work and he and Chris horsed around with the mannequins.  The store was closed so we had the entire place to ourselves.  After a long day of shopping we finished the night off with dinner at the BLVD at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel.  It was a perfect way to end the evening since my mom felt just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman for most of the day.  In case any of you didn't know - most of the movie takes place at the Beverly Wilshire. Happy early birthday mom - you are one lucky lady!

1 comment:

Mrs. Goodman said...

Oh my! That was a shopping spree straight out of a movie. I can hardly wait to see all her "stuff". Did you get any shoes, Kimmie?