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April 8, 2011

olive's first accident

our rapidly maturing daughter learned a new trick a few weeks ago - to sit up on her own.  maybe it's not on the same level as walking or running a marathon, it's still pretty impressive.  this is a bit of a late post - mostly because the emotional scars of the incident have just now started heal.

it was dinner time, kim and i had just finished eating and olive was sitting on kim's lap.  it was cute because she was balancing all on her own.  well it was cute up until the point where she lost her balance and hit her little head into the edge of the table.  she was silent for a second, then cried the saddest little cry i have ever heard.  we grabbed her and hugged her - she was fine, probably just scared.

of course kim and i were more tormented by her little tears.  all i know is - i'm glad kim was holding her.  if it had been me, i'm sure she would have divorced me for child endangerment.   i didn't get a picture of the incident, but olive's reaction looked a little something like this -

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