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December 8, 2010

A Day in the Life of Olive

A normal day for Olive usually consists of the following:

Wake up at 4/5am for a feeding with mommy.  She tends to be wide awake at that point, but I put her back in bed anyway.  She entertains herself for about 15 minutes before falling to sleep.  Then around 7:30 she wakes up and I can't resist brining her into bed with us.  We sleep off and on for about an hour and then we are up for good!

Another feeding around 8:30/9am and then I put her in her crib. Thankfully, she loves her room and her mobile.  She just noticed it the other day and won't take her eyes off of it.  I can usually get 30 minutes of mommy time before she wants to be held.

After a few minutes of walking around the house, or bouncing on the ball, she falls asleep for 20-30 minutes.  At this point I try and work on a blog entry or emails.

When she wakes up, its time for another feeding, a diaper change and a new outfit.  At this point she is pretty happy so I bring her into the bathroom so I can take a quick shower.  After I get dressed, we do a little tummy time or lay in the play gym and look at all the toys.  We also video chat with daddy so he can see what we are doing!

After all this action, she usually takes a much longer nap.  I try and eat, clean up the house, or do laundry while she is sleeping.  By 12:30pm/1pm she is usually back up and ready for story time!  Her attention span isn't very long so I try and opt for the shortest books with the brightest colors.

After another feeding, we try and get out of the house.  Either for a long walk around the neighborhood, or we hop in the car and run errands.

After we get home she is usually hungry, so I feed her and put her down for another long nap.  I try and finish up any laundry or cleaning that needs to be done.

At 6:30pm daddy gets home and we bathe her, put her in her jammies, and feed her again.  She is asleep by 8/8:30pm and out until her midnight feeding.   Then her day starts all over again!

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