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October 8, 2010

The Olive Art Project

Now that Andrew and I are are about to become parents I wanted something "adult" in the house. I was inspired by my moms collection of baby pictures of the family. We each have our own collage in the hallway of the Rufer house and I wanted one for the Cahn house too! Andrew and I went through a lot of photos of us as kids and picked out the ones we liked best. Although mine turned out, I have to admit that almost of every picture of Andrew is perfect.  

The only problem was: What to do about Olive's? She's not here yet and we didn't want to fill the frame with ultrasound stills. Andrew had the great idea of drawing pictures of how we saw our life with Olive. Hence, the above picture. Can you tell which ones are Andrews and which ones are mine? Now if only Olive would get here so we can fill it with real pictures of her!

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