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April 7, 2014


It's been a difficult few weeks. I don't want to complain - but I've been having a really hard time lately. It helps that I have a bottle of wine next to me and the tears have stopped! 

Here's the thing: Andrew's been gone for 17 days. Not only do we all miss him like crazy - but it's been one thing after the other. I had house guests for the first week which kept me very busy. Then Olive came down with Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease while we were in Sacramento visiting family (I'm pretty sure she gave it to a few other little ones along the way….). I was so worried about her that we ended up flying back early - and flying with 2 kids solo is not as easy as it looks! Next - Buster got it. Thankfully it wasn't as bad, but there is nothing fun about a sick little one. Especially one that doesn't sleep when he's not feeling well. Once everyone was healthy - I somehow ended up with a very painful, rash all over my chest and neck. Doctors aren't sure what it is, but the newest diagnosis is shingles. SHINGLES! The worst part…..neither one of my babies have had the vaccine for chicken pox! Let's just say that we rushed to the pediatrician today so that Olive could get it…..just in case she was exposed. There were a lot of tears, a meltdown, and promises of chocolate chip pancakes for dinner (they were delicious). Only time will tell.

Now back to my wine………

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Kim - I'm so sorry! That sounds so hard. I wish I had something more profound or meaningful to say! :( Hang in there.