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January 8, 2014

Olive Update

- Has been trying a variety of different foods. We can now add: meatloaf, sausage, eggs, mango, and grilled chicken to our list!
- No longer calls out "Daddy" at 6:30 in the morning. Now she runs up the stairs and walks up to our bed and says "Guys…are you awake?"
- Wants to wear dresses every day of the week. Thankfully she has a ton of them so there is a lot to choose from!
- Plays pretend. The cutest thing is when she wants to play princesses or dolls and she uses a very high pitch voice to talk. I die every time. It's seriously that cute.
- Loves to play hide and seek. However, she's very particular about where the other person is hiding. She pretty much tells you where to hide.
- Her new favorite game is to name off all of her friends at school. It usually starts out with "Prince Filip".
- Goes to bed soooooo easy these days. One song and she is ready for us to leave the room. (Thankfully I'm now included in the bedtime routine)
- Is very particular about who she says hi to. If she doesn't want to say hello she usually says "Mommy, I don't want to say hi to her/him". It's pretty embarrassing if that person is behind us in line.
- Is very good with numbers. We play a game where she has all 11 of her princesses out. I take 3 away and she tells me how many are left. She gets it right every single time.
- Still doesn't love to brush her teeth. I have to bribe her in the morning and at night. 

* Today we went and got Olive's hair cut and she asked to have her hair blown out like mommy's.  That's why her hair is straight in the photos. I would normally NEVER let her mess with her beautiful curls.

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