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July 15, 2011

olive flys... and things always work out for mom

kim asked me to write this blog.  she probably expected me to say some generic stuff about how well behaved olive was on the plane, and how the pilots let us into the cockpit when we landed.  of course, that is all true. but that's not the point of my entry.

my point is this - i've come to learn over the years that kim is one of those people who have the golden touch.  whatever they want just sort of happens.  the picture below is a perfect example.  

while we were in the air, kim and i both thought it would be cool to get a picture of olive in the cockpit.  but we both also thought that some sort of tsa rule would make it impossible.  when the plane landed, kim asked the flight attendant.  she said that it was technically possible, but the flight was an hour late, and they were doing a shift change, so they wouldn't have time, but we could ask anyway.

so kim marches up to the front, and what do you know?  both pilots look up from whatever paperwork they are busy doing, smile and get out of their seats.  one offers to take pictures, some with the flash, some without. i'm surprised they didn't offer to let us taxi the plane out, or maybe start the engines or something.

the true moral of the story - i'm going to make kim buy the lottery tickets from now on.

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